Graham Kirk, New Zealand

Paintings by Graham Kirk
Also available as prints
Catwoman under the Pouakais

Kermit in Dawson Street Supergirl over Taranaki

Superman over Taranaki Wonderwoman over Back Beach Catwoman in San Francisco

Batman and Robin in Parnell Rupert Over Wiremu Road

Tintin, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus in Carrington Road Rupert and the Elf in Carrington Road Nastassja Kinski at Opunake Beach

Xena and Gabrielle Back Beach

Demelza and Mount Taranaki Robin Robot in Auckland Joanne Whalley in Grimsby

Blue Door, Red Door

Demelza on Milford Beach Spiral Staircase

Click here for a video of the gallery.

Click here for a video of the studio.

The studio/gallery of Graham Kirk is at 2747 Carrington Road RD 37 New Plymouth 4381 New Zealand
phone (64) 6 752 4479
email Graham at

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All images © Graham Kirk